Hope and Fear “is the external manifestation of the internal desires and paranoia that are adrift in America.” All of the work in this series consists of models consumed by objects that, as the description says, represent desires and paranoia of the American public. Toledano quite literally illustrates the “external manifestation” by sticking objects to his models or creating garments out of different objects. His image of a man covered by baby dolls could comment on many matters including larger subjects like abortion or adoption. The races of the baby dolls are all different. Unfortunate as the message in this image is, it’s quite comical. The model in the picture is a very proud-looking white man; a man that will go down with his ship. The message I get from this is that the Caucasian race has been the majority in this country since little after its foundation, and is now very quickly becoming the minority as more and more people are immigrating to this country and more and more people are having interracial relationships and producing multi-racial children. I see the man in this image as a dying society-the last of my parents’ generation- the last generation to be negatively influenced by the racism America has grown with.
While Toledano focuses a lot on larger, more political subjects, he also addresses certain lifestyles that women have become accustomed to and the stereotypes and standards that women are expected to uphold and are, unfortunately, influenced by. He has several images showing women in garments made of body parts. In one image a young woman is covered by hands, another of a woman covered in breasts, and yet still another of a woman in a long skirt made of women’s legs. All these objects stand in as language that suggests that today’s society views women as sex objects; they are things to possess, things to be controlled, and things to take advantage of. These images reinforce the stereotypes that women fall into concerning how it is acceptable for a woman to look, or how a woman believes she should look having been influenced by stereotypes. He uses these objects as language effectively by his placement on the models, as well as how the models are interacting with them, if they are at all.
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