Sunday, September 6, 2009

Artist Blog 09/07

10/21 Sometimes You Just Know, Digital Photograph, Justin Visnesky

7/7 A New Morning, Digital Photograph, Justin Visnkesy

1/21 Sometimes You Just Know, Digital Photograph, Justin Visnesky

Justin Visnesky’s work rings of spaces and moments that are “just right.” His intent is optimistic while the message his pieces convey is nostalgic. He describes the subject matter in his work as moments that are just right, and may never be the same again. There is a duality to his work that I admire. One can feel happy that a single moment in life couldn’t be more perfect, and at the same time, one can feel sad that that moment has to end and may never be experienced again. His photographs serve as a memory of that feeling, and only as a memory.

Justin focuses on reinventing and reinvestigating the spaces he photographs by paying attention to the little details others may have skipped over. The subject matter he chooses and the way he composes his shots clearly communicates his message of a new, unique moment in a familiar space. He photographs in a stunning documentary style that allows him to construct a narrative upon editing. However, his photographs are very strong and could easily stand on their own as their own narrative; something I hope to realize in my work this semester. Perhaps the reason I feel such a connection to Justin’s work is because my elimination and editing processes are very similar to his. Justin eliminates imagery by going through every photograph and picking the images that “feel right” whereupon he arranges them until a collective narrative comes through.

“Specifically, the photographs in the series ‘sometimes you just know’ are an exploration of familiar spaces, inhabited and otherwise. They are a visual documentation of my feelings toward what I know or thought I knew.” (artist website)

I could not have said it more perfectly. Even though we’re just getting started on our concepts, I can look at my project in retrospect and directly apply this quote. As I have said, I want to use this project as an opportunity to reintroduce and better understand myself. Ultimately, to overcome behaviors that is a result of the divorce. By allowing myself to do this, I have given up everything I know so that I can open my mind and my heart to different viewpoints and observations of myself and my surroundings- everything I once thought I knew.

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