Sunday, November 1, 2009

Critique of Midterm Crit

It was incredibly uncomfortable watching the video of my midterm critique. I noticed that I wasn’t very engaging when reading my statement to the class. I probably could’ve looked up more or had more of the statement memorized. I also noticed that I bit my lip a lot.

Two things really bothered me:

1.) My facial expression barely ever changed and I generally looked pretty spaced out. It looked like I had very little interest in whatever critique I was being given and that the notes I was taking was for the sake of taking notes.

2.) I nod way too much and was generally pretty silent throughout my entire critique. It was oddly distracting and gave the impression that I wasn’t engaging with or listening to the speaker or connecting/applying the critique to my work.

Among other things; I didn’t pose many questions to the class about my work, I was leaning against the wall for most of my critique and looked like I was hunched as if bracing myself for the possible gauntlet. Improved posture would speak much higher of myself as an artist and my confidence in my work instead of huddling in a corner.

It was wonderful being able to hear my critique over again to sort of give me a push to continue creating work and expanding my concept. I am incredibly happy with my critique and value everything that was said. I’m excited to continue working now that I’ve nailed (for the most part) my concept down and have a clearer vision of what direction I need to be heading.

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